Make Sure Your Language Is Concise
Another point to keep in mind when writing a customer service script is that the language should be concise and to the point. Your operators’ number one goal is to provide clients with fast, effective service; this is easier to accomplish if the script is streamlined and simple, containing only the most relevant information.
Encourage Authenticity
In customer service, it’s not just what you say but how you say it that matters. The language used in your call center prompts should be polite and professional and should be delivered by your agents in a positive and friendly tone. Customers respond well when they feel as if they are being listened to, so impress the importance of empathy on your callers.
Prioritize Flexibility
Often, contact centers receive calls inquiring about the same handful of issues. But it’s impossible to predict exactly how every conversation will go. For that reason, keep customer service center scripts loose and flexible so that clients can easily redirect the flow of conversation. Make sure your agents have the necessary training to roll with the punches and give customers the required service.
Keep Making Adaptations
Once you’ve finished your script, that isn’t the end of the road! Client needs are always changing, as are company standards, so it’s important to frequently revisit your prompts and make any alterations necessary. That way, you can ensure that the advice your representatives give is current and helpful.